
FanServ brings Media Buyers together with Publishers in a marketplace setting allowing both partners to execute through programmatic’s pipes.

Customize Your Marketplace

The Advantages of Direct Orders: The Convenience of Programmatic Pipes

Increasing transparency between both the supply and demand sides, FanServ’s marketplace provides buyers the opportunity to select from the most premium inventory partner network while publishers are able to control their avails and pricing in a direct-to-advertiser plan.

Campaign Planning and Order Management

Build a Complete Media Campaign and Create the IO with One Click

FanServ was built specifically for selling sports advertising campaigns. League schedules at your fingertips, real-time inventory insight, and custom targeting options. FanServ supports all digital ad types & delivery methods so you can build the perfect media campaign and then automatically sync to IO…it’s that easy!

Real Time Collaboration

Stop Emailing and Start Optimizing

Collaborate directly with your advertisers to gather creative, ad tags, campaign notes, and approval — all within the FanServ Connect order. Say goodbye to the endless stream of emails, Slack notifications, and spreadsheets.

Dashboards & Reporting

From CEO to CSM, Know How ALL Your Campaigns Are Performing

Keep your finger on the pulse with the FanServ interactive dashboards that provide insight into revenue, pacing, and campaigns requiring attention. Built for both the most discerning senior executives and the client success manager needing to know when a version of what ad performed best on which placement.

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